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Position Detail

Retrieve detail for a position


Request Body

When using the position-detail endpoint you are always required to send the below attributes. The remainder of the payload should only include data blocks which are being updated.

AttributesData TypeLengthDescription
accountNumberString8StoneX Account Number


Successful Response

The response for a Successful request will look like:

AttributesData TypeLengthDescription
statusCodeInteger3Code identifies success of request
messageStringOutcome of request
dataData BlockMain field containing information of request
errorsErrorsAPI errors
traceIdStringUnique identifier
hasErrorsBooleanTrue or False

A successful request will respond with a result containing the account number, account status & all the current account data.

AttributesData TypeLengthDescription
acctTypeCodeInteger1Account Type indicator
acctTypeStringCash, Margin, Short
acctNoString8StoneX Account Number
accountNameStringAccount Name
currencyCodeInteger3Code assigned to a currency
marketValueNumberPrice an asset gets in a marketplace
quantityNumberNumber of shares, option contracts, or face value of bonds
gainLossNumberAn increase or loss in the value of an asset
fxRateNumberRate at which one currency will be exchanged for another currency
priceNumberTrade execution price per share, option contract or face value of bonds
priceTypeStringCurrentSnap, DelayedSnap, LastClosed
priceDateStringDate on which the position was last priced
symbolIdStringLogic based on different security identifiers
secNoStringBETA internal security number
isinString12Identifies a specific security
sedolString7Code assigned to securities that trade on the London Stock Exchange and various smaller exchanges in the United Kingdom
cusipString9ID for a security
symbolString10Security symbol
secTypeCodeString1The original security code
secTypeNameStringName of security type
industryGroupNameStringName of industry group
industryGroupCodeInteger3Industry group indicator used to group securities
isOffshoreBoolean1Indicating if the position is offshore
OffshoreShareClassStringDifferent pricing arrangements
currentFactor NumberThe amount calculated by dividing the current face value by original value
unitQuantityNumberNumber of shares to be used as a unit of trade
newSecCodeString2New security type code
typeClassCodeString3Security class code used to further specify security type, bond type, or security number range
transactionQuantityNumberAmount of a position associated with a transaction
safekeepFirmQuantityNumberNumber of shares or face value of bonds in safekeeping firm name
unrealizedGainLossStringChange in value of a stock, bond or other asset you have purchased but not yet sold
symbolIdStringLogic based on different security identifiers
acctTypeInteger1Account Type indicator
openDateStringDate that the position was purchased or added to the account
secNoStringBETA internal security number
quantityNumberNumber of shares, option contracts, or face value of bonds
unitQuantityNumberNumber of shares to be used as a unit of trade
costNumberThe amount of money for the position
unitCostNumberCost of one unit of a postion bought or sold
summaryLevelUnitCost Number
value NumberTotal market value of the position
noCost String
noCostLot String
trueZero String
portfolioPercentNumberThe weight of a specific asset or type of asset
gainLossNumberAn increase or loss in the value of an asset
closePriceNumberPrice per share for the sale of a closed tax lot
currentPrice NumberMost recent price at which a unit was sold on an exchange
yield Number
washDisallowedAmt Number
wash String
totalCost Number
totalValue NumberTotal market value of the position
totalUnrealizedAmount Number
totalUnrealizedPercent Number
glNoWash Number
totalGlNoWashPercentage Number
transactionQuantity NumberAmount of a position associated with a transaction
safekeepFirmQuantity NumberNumber of shares or face value of bonds in safekeeping firm name
transferTypeStringPartialTransfer, FullTransfer