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Onboarding Result

This is a diagnostic or status check endpoint.

After submitting a new account at the new account endpoint, this endpoint returns the processing status of the request, backend validations, and the original values that were submitted.


Required Attributes

The user must send the following attributes whenever using the onboarding-result endpoint. These are not changeable or erasable:

AttributesData TypeLengthDescription
accountNumberString8StoneX Account Number


This endpoint will return a standard response with the data below for the account status.

Success Response

Data returned to a successful API call.

NameData TypeDefinition
StatusCodeIntegerHTTP status code
MessageStringBrief message about the status of the request
DataObjectThe data returned from the API Data Field
ErrorsArray of ErrorsError Object
TraceIdStringId for each API transaction that can be used for tracking & debugging
HasErrorsBooleanIndicates if there are errors related to the request

Data Field

NameData TypeDefinition
correlationIdStringInternal tracking ID
currentStateStringThe state of completion
createdOnStringDuration of account creation
lastUpdatedStringDuration of account updated
remarksStringAccount status on the StoneX backend
errorResponsesArray of ErrorsIndicates if there are errors related to the request Error Object