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Balance Summary

Retrieve detail for a position


Request Body

When using the position-detail endpoint you are always required to send the below attributes. The remainder of the payload should only include data blocks which are being updated.

AttributesData TypeLengthDescription
accountNumberString8StoneX Account Number


Successful Response

The response for a Successful request will look like:

AttributesData TypeLengthDescription
statusCodeInteger3Code identifies success of request
messageStringOutcome of request
dataData BlockMain field containing information of request
errorsErrorsAPI errors
traceIdStringUnique identifier
hasErrorsBooleanTrue or False

A successful request will respond with a result containing the account number, account status & all the current account data.

AttributesData TypeLengthDescription
marginBuyingPowerNumberMaximum amount of money an investor can use to purchase securities in a margin account
nyseExcessNumberFunds remaining in a margin trading account that are available to trade with
dtbpNumberDay Trade Buying Power refers to the funds a user has available in the account to place trades on a given trading day
marginDebitBalanceNumberAmount of money an investor owes to their broker for funds borrowed to buy securities on margin
dailyMarginInterestNumberThe interest that accrues each day on a margin account and is charged to the account monthly
accruedMarginInterestNumberMargin interest that has been earned but not paid out
currentMarginRateNumberInterest rate that a broker charges an investor to borrow money to buy investements
dayTradeBuyingPowerNumberThe amount of money an account can use to day trade without incurring a day trade margin call
equityNumberAmount of money an owner would receive if they sold the asset
equityPercentageNumberPercentage of ownership or interest in an asset
freeCashNumberThe amount of available, settled funds in the account today
moneyMarketNumberTrading in very short-term debt investments
margin requirements
symbolString10Security symbol
quantityNumberNumber of shares, option contracts, or face value of bonds
priceNumberTrade execution price per share, option contract or face value of bonds
marketValueNumberPrice an asset gets in a marketplace
regTRequirement Number
federalCallNumberA legal requirement to fund a purchase of securities in a margin account with at least 50% cash
maintenanceCallNumberA demand made by securities broker to a customer to put up money or stock as collateral when the broker finances a purchase of securites.
dayTradeCallNumberA margin call issued when a day trader exceeds their day trading buying power