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Equity Allocation Order

Create an Equity Allocation Order.



Query Parameters

NameData TypeDescription
verifyOnlyBooleanAllows users to review the response of an order without creating the order

Request Body

The Request Body to create an Equity Allocation Order includes several required fields. This ensures that the created order has all necessary parameters for the order to return with no errors.

This request must consist of the below Stonex identifiers:

AttributesData TypeLengthValue
accountNumberString8Internal identifier
blockOrderIdString32Unique ID generated by the Stock Exhange
noPostageBooleanTrue or False
ttoRepStringCharacter field
commissionTypeStringFlatRate, CentsPerShare, PercentOfDiscount, Zero, Unknown, CommissionSchedule
commissionScheduleIntegerCharacter field
commissionAmountNumber$ amount for commission
confirmNoteStringCharacter field
accountTypeStringCash, Margin, Short
securityIdStringCusip, Isin, Sedol, Symbol field
securityIdTypeStringCusip, Isin, Sedol, Symbol
actionStringBuy, Sell, BuyToCover, SellShort
timeInForceStringDay, GoodTillCancel, FillOrKill, GTXPre, NTE
solicitedBooleanTrue or False
notHeldBooleanTrue or False
onCloseBooleanTrue or False


Responses from the request will return with a Status Code.

Successful Response

The response for a Successful request will look like:

A successful request will respond with a result containing the account number and account status

AttributesData TypeLengthDescription
statusCodeInteger3Code identifies success of request
messageStringOutcome of request
dataData BlockMain field containing information of request
errorsErrorsAPI errors
traceIdStringUnique identifier
hasErrorsBooleanTrue or False